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WELCOME TO UEP 29th Congress, Helsinki 2018

On behalf of the Finnish Phoniatricians and the Union of European Phoniatricians, it gives us a great pleasure to welcome you to the 29th Congress of the Union of European Phoniatricians.

By the time we welcome you in Helsinki from 13 to 16 June 2018, it will be 40 years since we last hosted the UEP congress in Finland. Also, we will be celebrating 70 years of phoniatrics in Finland.


Finland is a young country that celebrated 100 years of independence in 2017. It is rated by The Newsweek in 2010 as the best country in the world. Helsinki, its capital, is throbbing with design, nature, lively events, fresh air, wonderful summers and saunas.


The congress will focus on the main four main topics of our specialty. The study and treatment of voice, speech and language, hearing, and swallowing disorders. As a multidisciplinary specialty, we would like to welcome phoniatricians, laryngologists, otorhinolaryngologists, audiologists, vocologists, speech and language pathologists, acousticians, singing teachers and all those with interest in communication disorders.


We warmly welcome you to the UEP congress 2018 in Helsinki!

On behalf of the organizing committee:







Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Geneid, MD, PhD

President of the Congress and Vice-president of UEP

Mari Qvarnström, MD, PhD

President of Finnish Phoniatricians Association

Prof. Antoinette am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen

President of Union of the European Phoniatricians

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Dear friends and colleagues,


It was amazing seeing you all here. We are happy and thankful for all of you. The rich scientific program, sunny days, fun and happiness will remain in our memories.

Finland is the happiest country in the world and during the congress we were the happiest Finns to have the pleasure of welcoming you in Helsinki.

We had 36 Roundtables, 12 Workshops and 6 Instructional Courses. A total of 170 abstracts and 433 participants from 50 countries. The biggest UEP Congress ever. 

Kindly check for the results of the evaluation form and photo gallery of the congress



The organizing committee.



Contact Us

UEP 2018 Conference Office
Mrs Riikka Louhivuori,

Office number +358 50 4644 757
Confedent International Ltd

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